By Admin on Fri, 03/03/2017 - 17:19
Budget Estimate for 2017-18 (in crores of rupees)
Revenue Receipts |
93584.74 |
Revenue Expenditure |
109627.88 |
Revenue Deficit |
(-) 16043.14 |
Capital Expenditure (Net) |
(-) 9020.47 |
Loans and Advances (Net) |
(-) 692.71 |
Public Debt (Net) |
21227.95 |
Public Account (Net) |
4050.70 |
Overall Deficit |
(-) 477.67 |
Opening balance at the beginning of the year |
(-) 350.47 |
Closing balance at the end of the year |
(-) 828.14 |
Additional expenditure announced |
850.28 |
Concessions announced |
10.00 |
Additional resource mobilisation |
Nil |
Cumulative Deficit at the end of the year |
1688.42 |