Thiruvananthapuram: The Assembly passed the Kerala Court Fees and Suits Valuation (Amendment) Bill on Wednesday.
The Bill provides for apportioning of Kerala Legal Benefit Fund, collected from litigants, to the Kerala Advocates’ Welfare Fund and Advocates’ Clerks Welfare Fund after leaving ten per cent for providing infrastructure to litigants.
The Assembly passed the Kerala Conservation of Paddy Land and Wetland (Amendment) Bill on Tuesday.
The Bill seeks to omit amendment brought to the 2008 legislation by UDF government in 2015 for regularisation of conversion or reclamation of paddy land before 2008 on payment of 25 per cent of the fair value of the land.
Thiruvananthapuram: Law Minister A. K. Balan told the Assembly on Thursday that the government would emphasis building of basic amenities in courts.
Replying to the debate on the Kerala Court Fees and Suits Valuation (Amendment) Bill, the Minister said that the government viewed the lack of latrines and sitting space for litigants seriously.
Thiruvananthapuram: Law Minister A. K. Balan said that in the Assembly on Thursday that it was regrettable that the advocates were clashing with the media instead of taking the courts into confidence if they had some grievances needing redress.
Piloting the Kerala Advocates’ Welfare Fund (Amendment) Bill, the Minister said that the conflict could not be resolved through executive orders. However, the government would continue to intervene to settle the issue.
Kerala Assembly unanimously passed the Kerala Infrastructure Investment Fund (Amendment) Bill on Wednesday.
The Bill seeks to enable the Fund Board to employ new fund mobilisation methods to finance infrastructure development measures announced in the revised Budget for the current year.