Kerala Assembly unanimously adopted a substantive motion on Thursday urging the Centre to replace old and worn-out coaches and defective rails.
The motion, moved by Minister for Public Works G. Sudhakaran at the end of a discussion initiated by T. A. Ahammed Kabeer (Muslim League) , also called upon the Centre to ensure safety of women travelling by train and fill up vacancies of technical staff in the railways to ensure safety.
Thiruvananthapuram: Law Minister A. K. Balan told the Assembly on Thursday that the government would emphasis building of basic amenities in courts.
Replying to the debate on the Kerala Court Fees and Suits Valuation (Amendment) Bill, the Minister said that the government viewed the lack of latrines and sitting space for litigants seriously.
Thiruvananthapuram: Law Minister A. K. Balan said that in the Assembly on Thursday that it was regrettable that the advocates were clashing with the media instead of taking the courts into confidence if they had some grievances needing redress.
Piloting the Kerala Advocates’ Welfare Fund (Amendment) Bill, the Minister said that the conflict could not be resolved through executive orders. However, the government would continue to intervene to settle the issue.
Kerala Assembly unanimously passed the Kerala Infrastructure Investment Fund (Amendment) Bill on Wednesday.
The Bill seeks to enable the Fund Board to employ new fund mobilisation methods to finance infrastructure development measures announced in the revised Budget for the current year.
BJP member O. Rajagopal walked out of the Assembly on Wednesday saying that the government was taking bomb blast in Malappuram and attempts to foment communal tensions lightly.
The BJP member staged the walkout after the Speaker P. Sreeramakrishnan denied permission to move an adjournment motion given notice of by P. Ubaidulla (Muslim League).